LiquidText vs MarginNote: 2024 Showdown (Who Wins?)

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LiquidText vs MarginNote: The Ultimate Guide for Power Note-Takers (2024)

LiquidText vs MarginNote: 2024 Showdown (Who Wins?)

 LiquidText vs MarginNote: In today’s digital age, paper notebooks are slowly becoming relics of the past. Powerful note-taking apps like LiquidText and MarginNote have emerged, offering a plethora of features for students, researchers, and anyone who wants to organize their thoughts effectively. But with both apps boasting impressive capabilities, choosing the right one can be daunting.

This article will be your ultimate guide to LiquidText vs MarginNote. We’ll delve into their key features, pricing structures, and ideal user profiles to help you make an informed decision.

LiquidText: The King of Flexibility

LiquidText excels at offering a fluid and versatile note-taking experience. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Free-form Annotation: Annotate PDFs with a variety of tools, including highlights, underlines, and voice recordings. You can even create shapes and freehand drawings for a truly dynamic note-taking experience.

  • Seamless Organization: LiquidText allows you to manage multiple documents and notes within a single project. This makes it perfect for complex research projects where you need to juggle various sources.

  • Collaboration Friendly: Share your annotated documents with colleagues for real-time collaboration. This is a valuable feature for group projects and brainstorming sessions.

MarginNote: The Mind Mapping Mastermind

MarginNote takes a structured approach to note-taking, making it ideal for those who thrive on organization. Let’s explore its strengths:

  • Mind Mapping Magic: Create comprehensive mind maps to visualize connections between ideas and concepts. This is a game-changer for brainstorming and knowledge retention.

  • Flashcards & Spaced Repetition: Turn key points into flashcards and leverage spaced repetition for effective memorization. This built-in feature is a boon for students preparing for exams.

  • Dedicated Workspaces: Organize your notes into separate workspaces for different subjects or projects. This approach keeps things clutter-free and promotes focused learning.


  • Free Version: Offers basic PDF annotation tools like highlights, underlines, shapes, and voice recordings. Limited functionality for serious note-taking.
  • LiquidText Pro (Paid Version): Unlocks the full potential. Pricing varies depending on platform (desktop vs. mobile) and purchase method (one-time vs. subscription). Here’s a general estimate:
  • One-time purchase: Around $40-$50 (desktop), potentially lower for mobile versions.
  • Subscription: Monthly or yearly options might be available, potentially costing around $4-$6 per month.


  • Free Version: Limited to basic PDF reading. Note-taking features are restricted.
  • MarginNote Pro (Paid Version): Unlocks mind maps, flashcards, dedicated workspaces, and other advanced features. Pricing is generally consistent across platforms:
  • One-time purchase: Around $40-$50.

Key Points:

  • Both apps offer a one-time purchase option, eliminating recurring costs.
  • LiquidText Pro might have slightly higher pricing depending on the purchase method (one-time vs. subscription).
  • MarginNote offers a more consistent pricing structure across platforms.

Additional Considerations:

  • LiquidText Pro offers cloud backup and syncing: This can be a valuable feature for those who need to access notes from multiple devices. However, some cloud storage services might require separate subscriptions.
  • MarginNote Pro has an optional OCR add-on: This allows converting scanned PDFs into editable text for enhanced note-taking. This incurs an additional cost.

Remember: Prices can change, so it’s always best to check the official websites of LiquidText and MarginNote for the latest pricing information.

Who Should Choose LiquidText?

  • Students who need to annotate a variety of PDFs and prefer a flexible note-taking style.
  • Researchers working on complex projects with numerous sources.
  • Professionals who collaborate frequently and require real-time document sharing.

Who Should Choose MarginNote?

  • Students who benefit from structured note-taking and visual learning with mind maps.
  • Anyone who wants to leverage flashcards and spaced repetition for memorization.
  • Individuals who prefer dedicated workspaces for organized note-taking across different topics.

Final Thought:

Both LiquidText and MarginNote are powerful tools that can revolutionize your note-taking game. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your learning style and workflow. For a free-flowing and adaptable approach, LiquidText reigns supreme. If you crave structure, mind maps, and built-in study tools, MarginNote is your perfect match. No matter which app you choose, you’re guaranteed a significant boost in your productivity and knowledge retention.

Here are the 100% working crack links of both software:

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